Source code for pycont.dtprotocol

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools

from ._logger import create_logger

DTStart = '/'
DTStop = '\r'

[docs]class DTInstructionPacket(object): """ This class is used to represent a DT instruction packet. Args: address (str): The address to talk to dtcommands (list): List of DTCommand (for more details see """ def __init__(self, address, dtcommands): self.address = address.encode() self.dtcommands = dtcommands
[docs] def to_array(self): commands = ''.encode() for dtcommand in self.dtcommands: commands += dtcommand.to_string() return bytearray(itertools.chain(DTStart.encode(), self.address, commands, DTStop.encode(), ))
[docs] def to_string(self): return bytes(self.to_array())
[docs]class DTCommand(object): """ This class is used to represent a DTcommand. Args: command (str): The command to be sent operand (str): The parameter of the command, None by default (for more details see """ def __init__(self, command, operand=None): self.command = command.encode() if operand is not None: self.operand = operand.encode() else: self.operand = None
[docs] def to_array(self): if self.operand is None: chain = itertools.chain(self.command) else: chain = itertools.chain(self.command, self.operand) return bytearray(chain)
[docs] def to_string(self): return bytes(self.to_array())
[docs]class DTStatus(object): """ This class is used to represent a DTstatus, the response of the device from a command. Args: response (str): The response from the device (for more details see """ def __init__(self, response): self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.logger.debug('Received {}'.format(response)) try: self.response = response.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: self.logger.debug('Could not decode {}'.format(response)) self.response = None
[docs] def decode(self): if self.response is not None: info = self.response.rstrip().rstrip('\x03').lstrip(DTStart) address = info[0] status = info[1] data = info[2:] return (address, status, data) else: return None