Source code for pycont.controller

.. module:: controller
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A module used for controlling the pumps.

.. moduleauthor:: Jonathan Grizou <>


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
import json
import serial
import threading

from ._logger import create_logger

from . import pump_protocol

#: Represents the Broadcast of the C3000
C3000Broadcast = '_'

#: Switches the C3000 to a certain address
C3000SwitchToAddress = {
    '0': '1',
    '1': '2',
    '2': '3',
    '3': '4',
    '4': '5',
    '5': '6',
    '6': '7',
    '7': '8',
    '8': '9',
    '9': ':',
    'A': ';',
    'B': '<',
    'C': '=',
    'D': '>',
    'E': '?',
    'BROADCAST': C3000Broadcast,

#: Input for the valve
#: Output for the valve
#: Bypass for the valve
#: Extra for the valve

#: Microstep Mode 0
#:Microstep Mode 2

#: Number of steps in Microstep Mode 0
#: Number of steps in Microstep Mode 2

#: The maximum top velocity for Microstep Mode 0
#: The maximum top velocity for Microstep Mode 2

#: default Input/Output (I/O) Baudrate
#: Default timeout for I/O operations

#: Specifies a time to wait
#: Sets the maximum number of attempts to Write and Read
#: Sets the maximum time to repeat a specific operation

[docs]class PumpIO(object): """ This class deals with the pump I/O instructions. Args: port (int): The port number baudrate (int): Baudrate of the communication, default set to DEFAULT_IO_BAUDRATE(9600) timeout (int): The timeout of communication, default set to DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT(1) """ def __init__(self, port, baudrate=DEFAULT_IO_BAUDRATE, timeout=DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT): self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.timeout = timeout, baudrate, timeout) @classmethod
[docs] def from_config(cls, io_config): """ Sets details laid out in the configuration .json file Args: cls (Class): The initialising class. io_config (Dict): Dictionary holding the configuration data. Returns: PumpIO: New PumpIO object with the variables set from the configuration file. """ port = io_config['port'] if 'baudrate' in io_config: baudrate = io_config['baudrate'] else: baudrate = DEFAULT_IO_BAUDRATE if 'timeout' in io_config: timeout = io_config['timeout'] else: timeout = DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT return cls(port, baudrate, timeout)
[docs] def from_configfile(cls, io_configfile): """ Opens the configuration file and parses the data to be used in the from_config method. Args: cls (Class): The initialising class. io_configfile (File): File which contains the configuration data. Returns: PumpIO: New PumpIO object with the variables set form the configuration file. """ with open(io_configfile) as f: return cls.from_config(json.load(f))
def __del__(self): """ Closes the communication via close() """ self.close() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Closes the communication via close() Args: exc_type (Exception): The type of Exception. exc_value (Exception): The value associated with the Exception. traceback (str): Location of where the exception occured. """ self.close()
[docs] def open(self, port, baudrate=DEFAULT_IO_BAUDRATE, timeout=DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT): """ Opens a communication with the hardware. Args: port (int): The port number on which the communication will take place. baudrate (int): The baudrate of the communication, default set to DEFAULT_IO_BAUDRATE(9600). timeout (int): The timeout of the communication, default set to DEFAULT_IO_TIMEOUT(1). """ self._serial = serial.Serial(port, baudrate, timeout=timeout) self.logger.debug("Opening port '%s'", self.port, extra={'port': self.port, 'baudrate': self.baudrate, 'timeout': self.timeout})
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the communication with the hardware. """ self._serial.close() self.logger.debug("Closing port '%s'", self.port, extra={'port': self.port, 'baudrate': self.baudrate, 'timeout': self.timeout})
[docs] def flushInput(self): """ Flushes the input buffer of the serial communication. """ self._serial.flushInput()
[docs] def write(self, packet): """ Writes a packet along the serial communication. Args: packet (DTInstructionPacket): The packet to send along the serial communication. .. note:: Unsure if this is the correct packet type (GAK). """ str_to_send = packet.to_string() self.logger.debug("Sending {}".format(str_to_send)) self._serial.write(str_to_send)
[docs] def readline(self): """ Reads a line from the serial communication. Raises: PumpIOTimeOutError: If the response time is greater than the timeout threshold. """ msg = self._serial.readline() if msg: self.logger.debug("Received {}".format(msg)) return msg else: self.logger.debug("Readline timeout!") raise PumpIOTimeOutError
[docs] def write_and_readline(self, packet): """ Writes a packet along the serial communication and waits for a response. Args: packet (DTInstructionPacket): The packet to be written. .. note:: Unsure if this is the correct packet type (GAK). Returns: reponse (str): The received response. Raises: PumpIOTimeOutError: If the response time is greater than the timeout threshold. """ self.lock.acquire() self.flushInput() self.write(packet) try: response = self.readline() self.lock.release() return response except PumpIOTimeOutError as err: self.lock.release() raise err
[docs]class PumpIOTimeOutError(Exception): """ Exception for when the response time is grerater than the timeout threshold. """ pass
[docs]class ControllerRepeatedError(Exception): """ Exception for when there has been too many repeat attempts. """ pass
[docs]class ControllerInitError(Exception): """ Exception for when there is a failure in initialising the Controller. """ pass
[docs]class C3000Controller(object): """ This class represents thhe main controller for the C3000. The controller is what controls the pumps. Args: pump_io (PumpIO): PumpIO object for communication. name (str): The name of the controller. address (str): Address of the controller. total_volume (int): Total volume of the pump. micro_step_mode (int): The mode which the microstep will use, default set to MICRO_STEP_MODE_2 (2) top_velocity (int): The top velocity of the pump, default set to 6000 initialize_valve_position (chr): Sets the valve position, default set to VALVE_INPUT ('I') Raises: ValueError: Invalid microstep mode. """ def __init__(self, pump_io, name, address, total_volume, micro_step_mode=MICRO_STEP_MODE_2, top_velocity=6000, initialize_valve_position=VALVE_INPUT): self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self._io = pump_io = name self.address = address self._protocol = pump_protocol.C3000Protocol(self.address) self.initialize_valve_position = initialize_valve_position self.micro_step_mode = micro_step_mode if self.micro_step_mode == MICRO_STEP_MODE_0: self.number_of_steps = int(N_STEP_MICRO_STEP_MODE_0) # float elif self.micro_step_mode == MICRO_STEP_MODE_2: self.number_of_steps = int(N_STEP_MICRO_STEP_MODE_2) # float else: raise ValueError('Microstep mode {} is not handled'.format(self.micro_step_mode)) self.total_volume = float(total_volume) # in ml (float) self.steps_per_ml = int(self.number_of_steps / self.total_volume) self.default_top_velocity = top_velocity @classmethod
[docs] def from_config(cls, pump_io, pump_name, pump_config): """ Obtains the configuration data. Args: cls (Class): The initialising class. pump_io (PumpIO): PumpIO object. pump_name (str): Name of the pump. pump_config (Dict): Dictionary containg the pump configurattion data. Returns: C3000Controller: New C3000Controller object with the data set from the configuration. """ pump_config['address'] = C3000SwitchToAddress[pump_config['switch']] del(pump_config['switch']) pump_config['total_volume'] = float(pump_config['volume']) # in ml (float) del(pump_config['volume']) return cls(pump_io, pump_name, **pump_config)
[docs] def write_and_read_from_pump(self, packet, max_repeat=MAX_REPEAT_WRITE_AND_READ): """ Writes packets to and reads the response from the pump. Args: packet (DTInstructionPacket): The packet to be written. max_repeat (int): The maximum time to repeat the read/write operation. Returns: decoded_response (str): The decoded response. Raises: PumpIOTimeOutError: If the response itme is greater than the timeout threshold. ControllerRepeatedError: Error in decoding. """ for i in range(max_repeat): self.logger.debug("Write and read {}/{}".format(i + 1, max_repeat)) try: response = self._io.write_and_readline(packet) decoded_response = self._protocol.decode_packet(response) if decoded_response is not None: return decoded_response else: self.logger.debug("Decode error for {}, trying again!".format(response)) except PumpIOTimeOutError: self.logger.debug("Timeout, trying again!") self.logger.debug("Too many failed communication!") raise ControllerRepeatedError
[docs] def volume_to_step(self, volume_in_ml): """ Determines the number of steps for a given volume. Args: volume_in_ml (float): Volume in millilitres. Returns: int(round(volume_in_ml * self.steps_per_ml)) """ return int(round(volume_in_ml * self.steps_per_ml))
[docs] def step_to_volume(self, step): """ Determines the volume in a specific step. Args: step (int): Step number. Returns: step / float(self.steps_per_ml """ return step / float(self.steps_per_ml)
[docs] def is_idle(self): """ Determines if the pump is idle or Busy Returns: True (bool): The pump is idle. False (bool): The pump is not idle. Raises: ValueError: Value returned from the pump is not valid. """ report_status_packet = self._protocol.forge_report_status_packet() (_, status, _) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(report_status_packet) if status == pump_protocol.STATUS_IDLE_ERROR_FREE: return True elif status == pump_protocol.STATUS_BUSY_ERROR_FREE: return False else: raise ValueError('The pump replied status {}, Not handled'.format(status))
[docs] def is_busy(self): """ Determines if the pump is busy. Returns: True (bool): Pump is busy. False (bool): Pump is idle. Raises: ValueError: Value returned from the pump is not valid. """ return not self.is_idle()
[docs] def wait_until_idle(self): """ Waits until the pump is not busy for WAIT_SLEEP_TIME, default set to 0.1 """ while self.is_busy(): time.sleep(WAIT_SLEEP_TIME)
[docs] def is_initialized(self): """ Determines if the pump has been initialised. Returns: True (bool): The pump is initialised. False (bool): The pump is not initialised. """ initialized_packet = self._protocol.forge_report_initialized_packet() (_, _, init_status) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(initialized_packet) return bool(int(init_status))
[docs] def smart_initialize(self, valve_position=None, secure=True): """ Initialises the pump and sets all pump parammeters. Args: valve_position (int): Position of the valve, default set None. secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to True. """ if not self.is_initialized(): self.initialize(valve_position, secure=secure) self.init_all_pump_parameters(secure=secure)
[docs] def initialize(self, valve_position=None, max_repeat=MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION, secure=True): """ Initialises the pump. Args: valve_position (int): Position of the valve, default set to None. max_repeat (int): Maximum number of times to repeat the operation, default set to MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION (10). secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct. Raises: ControllerRepeatedError: Too many failed attempts to initialise. """ if valve_position is None: valve_position = self.initialize_valve_position for _ in range(max_repeat): self.initialize_valve_only() self.set_valve_position(valve_position, secure=secure) self.initialize_no_valve() if self.is_initialized(): return True self.logger.debug("Too many failed attempts to initialize!") raise ControllerRepeatedError
[docs] def initialize_valve_right(self, operand_value=0, wait=True): """ Initialises the right valve. Args: operand_value (int): Value of the supplied operand. wait (bool): Whether or not to wait until the pump is idle, default set to True. """ self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_initialize_valve_right_packet(operand_value)) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def initialize_valve_left(self, operand_value=0, wait=True): """ Initialises the left valve. Args: operand_value (int): Value of the supplied operand, default set to 0. wait (bool): Whether or not to wait until the pump is idle, default set to True. """ self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_initialize_valve_right_packet(operand_value)) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def initialize_no_valve(self, operand_value=0, wait=True): """ Initialise with no valves. Args: operand_value (int): Value of the supplied operand. wait (bool): Whether or not to wait until the pump is idle, default set to True. """ self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_initialize_no_valve_packet(operand_value)) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def initialize_valve_only(self, operand_string='0,0', wait=True): """ Initialise with valves only. Args: operand_string (str): Value of the supplied operand. wait (bool): Whether or not to wait until the pump is idle, default set to True. """ self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_initialize_valve_only_packet(operand_string)) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def init_all_pump_parameters(self, secure=True): """ Initialises the pump parameters, Microstep Mode, and Top Velocity. Args: secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to True. """ self.set_microstep_mode(self.micro_step_mode) self.wait_until_idle() # just in case, but should not be needed self.set_top_velocity(self.default_top_velocity, secure=secure) self.wait_until_idle() # just in case, but should not be needed
[docs] def set_microstep_mode(self, micro_step_mode): """ Sets the Microstep Mode to use. Args: micro_step_mode (int): Mode to use. Raises: ControllerInitError: Attempting to set microstep mode before pump initialisation. """ if self.is_initialized(): self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_microstep_mode_packet(micro_step_mode)) else: raise ControllerInitError('Pump should be initialized before set_microstep_mode')
[docs] def check_top_velocity_within_range(self, top_velocity): """ Checks that the top velocity is within a maximum range. Args: top_velocity (int): The top velocity for the pump. Returns: True (bool): Top velocity is within range. Raises: ValueError: Top velocity is out of range. """ if self.micro_step_mode == MICRO_STEP_MODE_0: max_range = MAX_TOP_VELOCITY_MICRO_STEP_MODE_0 elif self.micro_step_mode == MICRO_STEP_MODE_2: max_range = MAX_TOP_VELOCITY_MICRO_STEP_MODE_2 if top_velocity in range(1, max_range + 1): return True else: raise ValueError('Top velocity {} is not in range'.format(top_velocity))
[docs] def set_default_top_velocity(self, top_velocity): """ Sets the default top velocity. Args: top_velocity (int): The top velocity for the pump. """ self.check_top_velocity_within_range(top_velocity) self.default_top_velocity = top_velocity
[docs] def get_default_top_velocity(self): """ Gets the default top velocity. Returns: self.default_top_velocity (int): The default top velocity. """ return self.default_top_velocity
[docs] def ensure_default_top_velocity(self, secure=True): """ Ensures that the top velocity is the default top velocity. Args: secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to True. """ if self.get_top_velocity() != self.default_top_velocity: self.set_top_velocity(self.default_top_velocity, secure=secure)
[docs] def set_top_velocity(self, top_velocity, max_repeat=MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION, secure=True): """ Sets the top velocity for the pump. Args: top_velocity (int): The top velocity. max_repeat (int): Maximum number of times to repeat an operation, default set to MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION (10). secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct. Returns: True (bool): Top velocity has been set. Raises: ControllerRepeatedError: Too many failed attempts at setting the top velocity. ControllerInitError: Attempting to set the top velocity befire the pump has been initialised. """ if self.is_initialized(): for i in range(max_repeat): if self.get_top_velocity() == top_velocity: return True else: self.logger.debug("Top velocity not set, change attempt {}/{}".format(i + 1, max_repeat)) self.check_top_velocity_within_range(top_velocity) self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_top_velocity_packet(top_velocity)) # if do not want to wait and check things went well, return now if secure == False: return True self.logger.debug("Too many failed attempts in set_top_velocity!") raise ControllerRepeatedError else: raise ControllerInitError('Pump should be initialized before set_top_velocity')
[docs] def get_top_velocity(self): """ Gets the current top velocity. Returns: top_velocity (int): The current top velocity. """ top_velocity_packet = self._protocol.forge_report_peak_velocity_packet() (_, _, top_velocity) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(top_velocity_packet) return int(top_velocity)
[docs] def get_plunger_position(self): """ Gets the current position of the plunger. Returns: steps (int): The position of the plunger. """ plunger_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_report_plunger_position_packet() (_, _, steps) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(plunger_position_packet) return int(steps)
@property def current_steps(self): """ See get_plunger_position() """ return self.get_plunger_position() @property def remaining_steps(self): """ Gets the remaining number of steps. Returns: (int): self.number_of_steps - self.current_steps """ return self.number_of_steps - self.current_steps
[docs] def get_volume(self): """ See step_to_volume() Returns: (float): self.step_to_volume(self.get_plunger_position()) """ return self.step_to_volume(self.get_plunger_position()) # in ml
@property def current_volume(self): """ See get_volume() Returns: (float): self.get_volume() """ return self.get_volume() @property def remaining_volume(self): """ Gets the remaining volume. Returns: (float): self.total_volume - self.current_volume """ return self.total_volume - self.current_volume ##
[docs] def is_volume_pumpable(self, volume_in_ml): """ Determines if the volume is pumpable. Args: volume_in_ml (float): The supplied volume. Returns: True (bool): If the number of steps is <= to the remaining steps. False (bool): The number of steps is > than the remaining steps. """ steps = self.volume_to_step(volume_in_ml) return steps <= self.remaining_steps
[docs] def pump(self, volume_in_ml, from_valve=None, speed_in=None, wait=False, secure=True): """ Sends the signal to initiate the pump sequence. .. warning:: Change of speed will last after the scope of this function but will be reset to default each time speed_in == None Args: volume_in_ml (float): Volume to pump (in mL). from_valve (chr): Pump using the valve, default set to None. speed_in (int): Speed to pump, default set to None. wait (bool): Waits for the pump to be idle, default set to False. secure (bool): Ensures everything is correct, default set to True. Returns: True (bool): The supplied volume is pumpable. False (bool): Supplied volume is not pumpable. """ if self.is_volume_pumpable(volume_in_ml): if speed_in is not None: self.set_top_velocity(speed_in, secure=secure) else: self.ensure_default_top_velocity(secure=secure) if from_valve is not None: self.set_valve_position(from_valve, secure=secure) steps_to_pump = self.volume_to_step(volume_in_ml) packet = self._protocol.forge_pump_packet(steps_to_pump) self.write_and_read_from_pump(packet) if wait: self.wait_until_idle() return True else: return False
[docs] def is_volume_deliverable(self, volume_in_ml): """ Determines if the supplied volume is deliverable. Args: volume_in_ml (float): The supplied volume in mL. Returns: True (bool): The number of steps is <= the current steps. False (bool): The number of steps is > the current steps. """ steps = self.volume_to_step(volume_in_ml) return steps <= self.current_steps
[docs] def deliver(self, volume_in_ml, to_valve=None, speed_out=None, wait=False, secure=True): """ Delivers the volume payload. .. warning:: Change of speed will last after the scope of this function but will be reset to default each time speed_out == None Args: volume_in_ml (float): The supplied volume to deliver. to_valve (chr): The valve to deliver the payload to, default set to None. speed_out (int): The speed of delivery, default set to None. wait (bool): Waits for the pump to be idle, default set to False. secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to False. """ if self.is_volume_deliverable(volume_in_ml): if speed_out is not None: self.set_top_velocity(speed_out, secure=secure) else: self.ensure_default_top_velocity(secure=secure) if to_valve is not None: self.set_valve_position(to_valve, secure=secure) steps_to_deliver = self.volume_to_step(volume_in_ml) packet = self._protocol.forge_deliver_packet(steps_to_deliver) self.write_and_read_from_pump(packet) if wait: self.wait_until_idle() return True else: return False
[docs] def transfer(self, volume_in_ml, from_valve, to_valve, speed_in=None, speed_out=None): """ Transfers the desired volume in mL. Args: volume_in_ml (float): The volume to transfer. from_valve (chr): The valve to transfer from. to_valve (chr): The valve to transfer to. speed_in (int): The speed of transfer to valve, default set to None. speed_out (int): The speed of transfer from the valve, default set to None. """ volume_transfered = min(volume_in_ml, self.remaining_volume) self.pump(volume_transfered, from_valve, speed_in=speed_in, wait=True) self.deliver(volume_transfered, to_valve, speed_out=speed_out, wait=True) remaining_volume_to_transfer = volume_in_ml - volume_transfered if remaining_volume_to_transfer > 0: self.transfer(remaining_volume_to_transfer, from_valve, to_valve, speed_in, speed_out)
[docs] def is_volume_valid(self, volume_in_ml): """ Determines if the supplied volume is valid. Args: volume_in_ml (float): The supplied volume. Returns: True (bool): The supplied volume is <= the total volume and >= 0 False (bool): The supplied volume is > total volume or < 0 """ return 0 <= volume_in_ml <= self.total_volume
[docs] def go_to_volume(self, volume_in_ml, speed=None, wait=False, secure=True): """ Moves the pump to the desired volume. .. warning:: Change of speed will last after the scope of this function but will be reset to default each time speed == None Args: volume_in_ml (float): The supplied volume. speed (int): The speed of movement, default set to None. wait (bool): Waits for the pump to be idle, defualt set to False. secure (bool): Ensures that everything is corect, default set to True. Returns: True (bool): The supplied volume is valid. False (bool): THe supplied volume is not valid. """ if self.is_volume_valid(volume_in_ml): if speed is not None: self.set_top_velocity(speed, secure=secure) else: self.ensure_default_top_velocity(secure=secure) steps = self.volume_to_step(volume_in_ml) packet = self._protocol.forge_move_to_packet(steps) self.write_and_read_from_pump(packet) if wait: self.wait_until_idle() return True else: return False
[docs] def go_to_max_volume(self, speed=None, wait=False): """ Moves the pump to the maximum volume. Args: speed (int): The speed of movement, default set to None. wait (bool): Waits until the pump is idle, default set to False. Returns: True (bool): The maximum volume is valid. False (bool): The maximum volume is not valid. """ self.go_to_volume(self.total_volume, speed=speed, wait=wait)
# valve
[docs] def get_raw_valve_postion(self): """ Gets the raw value of the valve's position. Returns: raw_valve_position (str): The raw position of the valve. """ valve_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_report_valve_position_packet() (_, _, raw_valve_position) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(valve_position_packet) return raw_valve_position
[docs] def get_valve_position(self, max_repeat=MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION): """ Gets the position of the valve. Args: max_repeat (int): The maximum number of times to repeat an operation, default set to MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION (10). Returns: (chr): The position of the valve. Raises: ValueError: The valve position is not valid/unknown. """ for i in range(max_repeat): raw_valve_position = self.get_raw_valve_postion() if raw_valve_position == 'i': return VALVE_INPUT elif raw_valve_position == 'o': return VALVE_OUTPUT elif raw_valve_position == 'b': return VALVE_BYPASS elif raw_valve_position == 'e': return VALVE_EXTRA self.logger.debug("Valve position request failed attempt {}/{}, {} is unknown".format(i + 1, max_repeat, raw_valve_position)) raise ValueError('Valve position received was {}. It is unknown'.format(raw_valve_position))
[docs] def set_valve_position(self, valve_position, max_repeat=MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION, secure=True): """ Sets the position of the valve. Args: valve_position (str): Position of the valve. max_repeat (int): maximum number of times to repeat an operation, default set to MAX_REPEAT_OPERATION (10). secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to True. Returns: True (bool): The valve position has been set. Raises: ValueError: The valve posiiton is invalid/unknown. ControllerRepeatedError: Too many failed attempts in set_top_velocity. """ for i in range(max_repeat): if self.get_valve_position() == valve_position: return True else: self.logger.debug("Valve not in position, change attempt {}/{}".format(i + 1, max_repeat)) if valve_position == VALVE_INPUT: valve_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_valve_input_packet() elif valve_position == VALVE_OUTPUT: valve_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_valve_output_packet() elif valve_position == VALVE_BYPASS: valve_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_valve_bypass_packet() elif valve_position == VALVE_EXTRA: valve_position_packet = self._protocol.forge_valve_extra_packet() else: raise ValueError('Valve position {} unknown'.format(valve_position)) self.write_and_read_from_pump(valve_position_packet) # if do not want to wait and check things went well, return now if secure == False: return True self.wait_until_idle() self.logger.debug("Too many failed attempts in set_top_velocity!") raise ControllerRepeatedError
[docs] def set_eeprom_config(self, operand_value): """ Sets the configuration of the EEPROM on the pumps. Args: operand_value (int): The value of the supplied operand. """ eeprom_config_packet = self._protocol.forge_eeprom_config_packet(operand_value) self.write_and_read_from_pump(eeprom_config_packet) if operand_value == 1: print("####################################################") print("3-Way Y-Valve: Connect jumper to pin 5 (bottom pin) below address switch at back of pump") print("Unpower and repower the pump to activate changes!") print("####################################################") else: print("####################################################") print("Unpower and repower the pump to make changes active!") print("####################################################")
[docs] def flash_eeprom_3_way_y_valve(self): """ See set_eeprom_config() """ self.set_eeprom_config(1)
[docs] def flash_eeprom_3_way_t_valve(self): """ See set_eeprom_config() """ self.set_eeprom_config(5)
[docs] def flash_eeprom_4_way_nondist_valve(self): """ See set_eeprom_config() """ self.set_eeprom_config(2)
[docs] def flash_eeprom_4_way_dist_valve(self): """ See set_eeprom_config() """ self.set_eeprom_config(4)
[docs] def get_eeprom_config(self): """ Gets the EEPROM configuration. Returns: eeprom_config (int): The configuration of the EEPROM. """ (_, _, eeprom_config) = self.write_and_read_from_pump(self._protocol.forge_report_eeprom_packet()) return eeprom_config
[docs]class MultiPumpController(object): """ This class deals with controlling multiple pumps at a time. Args: setup_config (Dict): The configuration of the setup. """ def __init__(self, setup_config): self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self._io = PumpIO.from_config(setup_config['io']) if 'default' in setup_config: self.default_config = setup_config['default'] else: self.default_config = {} if 'groups' in setup_config: self.groups = setup_config['groups'] else: self.groups = {} self.pumps = {} for pump_name, pump_config in list(setup_config['pumps'].items()): defaulted_pump_config = self.default_pump_config(pump_config) self.pumps[pump_name] = C3000Controller.from_config(self._io, pump_name, defaulted_pump_config) self.set_pumps_as_attributes() @classmethod
[docs] def from_configfile(cls, setup_configfile): """ Obtains the configuration data from the supplied configuration file. Args: cls (Class): The initialising class. setup_configfile (File): The configuration file. Returns: MultiPumpController: A new MultiPumpController object with the configuration set from the config file. """ with open(setup_configfile) as f: return cls(json.load(f))
[docs] def default_pump_config(self, pump_config): """ Creates a default pump configuration. Args: pump_config (Dict): Dictionary containing the pump configuration. Returns: defaulted_pump_config (Dict): A new defualt pump configuration mirroring that of pump_config. """ defaulted_pump_config = dict(self.default_config) # make a copy for k, v in list(pump_config.items()): defaulted_pump_config[k] = v return defaulted_pump_config
[docs] def set_pumps_as_attributes(self): """ Sets the pumps as attributes. """ for pump_name, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if hasattr(self, pump_name): self.logger.warning("Pump named {pump_name} is already a reserved attribute, please change name or do not use this pump in attribute mode, rather use pumps[{pump_name}]".format(pump_name=pump_name)) else: setattr(self, pump_name, pump)
[docs] def get_pumps(self, pump_names): """ Obtains a list of all pumps. Args: pump_names (List): A list of the pump names Returns: pumps (List): A list of the pump names. """ pumps = [] for pump_name in pump_names: pumps.append(self.pumps[pump_name]) return pumps
[docs] def apply_command_to_pumps(self, pump_names, command, *args, **kwargs): """ Applies a given command to the pumps. Args: pump_names (List): List containing the pump names. command (str): The command to apply. *args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguements. Returns: returns (Dict): Dictionary of the functions. """ returns = {} for pump_name in pump_names: func = getattr(self.pumps[pump_name], command) returns[pump_name] = func(*args, **kwargs) return returns
[docs] def apply_command_to_all_pumps(self, command, *args, **kwargs): """ Applies a given command to all of the pumps. Args: command (str): The command to apply. *args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Returns: returns (Dict): Dictionary of the functions. """ return self.apply_command_to_pumps(list(self.pumps.keys()), command, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_command_to_group(self, group_name, command, *args, **kwargs): """ Applies a given command to the group. Args: group_name (str): Name of the group. command (str): The command to apply. *args: Variable length argument list. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguements. Returns: returns (Dict) Dictionary of the functions. """ return self.apply_command_to_pumps(self.groups[group_name], command, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def are_pumps_initialized(self): """ Determines if the pumps have been initialised. Returns: True (bool): The pumps have been initialised. False (bool): The pumps have not been initialised. """ for _, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if not pump.is_initialized(): return False return True
[docs] def smart_initialize(self, secure=True): """ Initialises the pumps, setting all parameters. Args: secure (bool): Ensures everything is correct, default set to True. """ for _, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if not pump.is_initialized(): pump.initialize_valve_only(wait=False) self.wait_until_all_pumps_idle() for _, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if not pump.is_initialized(): pump.set_valve_position(pump.initialize_valve_position, secure=secure) self.wait_until_all_pumps_idle() for _, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if not pump.is_initialized(): pump.initialize_no_valve(wait=False) self.wait_until_all_pumps_idle() self.apply_command_to_all_pumps('init_all_pump_parameters', secure=secure) self.wait_until_all_pumps_idle()
[docs] def wait_until_all_pumps_idle(self): """ Sends the command 'wait_until_idle' to the pumps. """ self.apply_command_to_all_pumps('wait_until_idle')
[docs] def are_pumps_idle(self): """ Determines if the pumps are idle. Returns: True (bool): The pumps are idle. False (bool): The pumps are not idle. """ for _, pump in list(self.pumps.items()): if not pump.is_idle(): return False return True
[docs] def are_pumps_busy(self): """ Determines if the pumps are busy. Returns: True (bool): The pumps are busy. False (bool): The pumps are not busy. """ return not self.are_pumps_idle()
[docs] def pump(self, pump_names, volume_in_ml, from_valve=None, speed_in=None, wait=False, secure=True): """ Pumps the desired volume. .. note:: Reimplemented as MultiPump so it is really synchronous Args: pump_names (List): The name of the pumps. volume_in_ml (float): The volume to be pumped. from_valve (chr): The valve to pump from. speed_in (int): The speed at which to pump, default set to None. wait (bool): Waits for the pumps to be idle, default set to False. secure (bool): Ensures everything is correct, default set to False. """ if speed_in is not None: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'set_top_velocity', speed_in, secure=secure) else: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'ensure_default_top_velocity', secure=secure) if from_valve is not None: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'set_valve_position', from_valve, secure=secure) self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'pump', volume_in_ml, speed_in=speed_in, wait=False) if wait: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'wait_until_idle')
[docs] def deliver(self, pump_names, volume_in_ml, to_valve=None, speed_out=None, wait=False, secure=True): """ Delivers the desired volume. .. note:: Reimplemented as MultiPump so it is really synchronous Args: pump_names (List): The name of the pumps. volume_in_ml (float): The volume to be delivered. to_valve (chr): The valve to deliver to. speed_out (int): The speed at which to deliver. wait (bool): Wait for the pumps to be idle ,default set to False. secure (bool): Ensures everything is correct, default set to True. """ if speed_out is not None: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'set_top_velocity', speed_out, secure=secure) else: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'ensure_default_top_velocity', secure=secure) if to_valve is not None: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'set_valve_position', to_valve, secure=secure) self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'deliver', volume_in_ml, speed_out=speed_out, wait=False) if wait: self.apply_command_to_pumps(pump_names, 'wait_until_idle')
[docs] def transfer(self, pump_names, volume_in_ml, from_valve, to_valve, speed_in=None, speed_out=None, secure=True): """ Transfers the desired volume between pumps. .. note:: Reimplemented as MultiPump so it is really synchronous, needed Args: pump_names (List): The name of the pumps. volume_in_ml (float): The volume to be transfered. from_valve (chr): The valve to transfer from. to_valve (chr): the valve to transfer to. speed_in (int): The speed at which to receive transfer, default set to None. speed_out (int): The speed at which to transfer, default set to None secure (bool): Ensures that everything is correct, default set to False. """ volume_transfered = 1000000 # some big number 1000L is more than any descent person will try for pump in self.get_pumps(pump_names): candidate_volume = min(volume_in_ml, pump.remaining_volume) volume_transfered = min(candidate_volume, volume_transfered) self.pump(pump_names, volume_transfered, from_valve, speed_in=speed_in, wait=True, secure=secure) self.deliver(pump_names, volume_transfered, to_valve, speed_out=speed_out, wait=True, secure=secure) remaining_volume_to_transfer = volume_in_ml - volume_transfered if remaining_volume_to_transfer > 0: self.transfer(pump_names, remaining_volume_to_transfer, from_valve, to_valve, speed_in, speed_out)