Source code for commanduino.devices.axis


.. module:: Axis
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Represets an Axis which devices can move along

.. moduleauthor:: Jonathan Grizou <>


[docs]class Axis(object): """ Represents a singular Axis which devices can move along. Args: linear_actuator: The linear actuator which moves along the axis. unit_per_step (int): Amount of units to move per step, default set to 1 min_position (int): Minimum position of the axis, default set to 0 max_position (str): The maximum position of hte axis, cast to (float) """ def __init__(self, linear_actuator, unit_per_step=1, min_position=0, max_position=float('inf')): self.linear_actuator = linear_actuator self.unit_per_step = float(unit_per_step) self.min_position = float(min_position) self.max_position = float(max_position) self.initialized = False
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialises the axis. """ self.home(wait=True)
[docs] def is_initialized(self): """ Check for initialisation. Returns: self.initialized (bool): Initialisation status """ return self.initialized
[docs] def position_to_step(self, position_in_unit): """ Converts position to steps. Args: position_in_unit (int): Position in Units. Returns: n_steps (int): Number of steps. """ n_steps = position_in_unit / self.unit_per_step return int(round(n_steps))
[docs] def step_to_position(self, n_steps): """ Comverts steps to position. Args: n_steps (int): Number of steps. Returns: n_steps * units_per_step """ return n_steps * self.unit_per_step
[docs] def cast_position(self, position_in_unit): """ Casts the position on the axis. Args: position_in_unit (int): Position in units. Returns: casted_position (int): The casted position. """ casted_position = min(self.max_position, position_in_unit) casted_position = max(self.min_position, casted_position) return casted_position
[docs] def is_moving(self): """ Check for axis movement. Returns: self.linear_actuator.is_moving (bool): The actuator movement status. """ return self.linear_actuator.is_moving()
[docs] def wait_until_idle(self): """ Waits until the linear actuator is idle. """ self.linear_actuator.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def home(self, wait=True): """ Returns the actuator to the home position. Args: wait (bool): Wait until the actuator is idle, default set to True """ self.linear_actuator.home(wait=wait) self.initialized = True
[docs] def move_to(self, position_in_unit, wait=True, force=False): """ Moves the linear actuator to a set position. Args: position_in_unit (int): Position to move to. wait (bool): Wait until the actuator is idle, default set to True. force (bool): Force the movement, default set to False. """ if self.is_initialized() or force==True: if type(position_in_unit) == list: position_in_unit = position_in_unit[0] position = self.cast_position(position_in_unit) n_steps = self.position_to_step(position) self.linear_actuator.move_to(n_steps, wait=wait)
[docs] def move(self, delta_position_in_unit, wait=True, force=False): """ Moves the linear actuator. Args: delta_position_in_unit (int): The amount to move. wait (bool): Wait until the linear actuator is idle, default set to True. force (bool):Force the movement, default set to False. """ current_position = self.get_current_position() self.move_to(current_position + delta_position_in_unit, wait=wait, force=force)
[docs] def get_current_position(self): """ Gets the current position on the axis. Returns: self.step_to_position (int): THe position of the linear actuator. """ n_steps = self.linear_actuator.get_current_position() return self.step_to_position(n_steps)
[docs] def get_switch_state(self): """ Gets the switch state of the linear actuator. Returns: The switch state of the linear actuator. """ return self.linear_actuator.get_switch_state()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops the linear actuator. """ self.linear_actuator.stop()
[docs]class MultiAxis(object): """ Represents a collection of Axis objects which device can move along. Args: *args: Variable argument list. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.axes = [] for arg in args: self.axes.append(arg) self.initialized = False
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialises the set of axes. """ self.home(wait=True)
[docs] def is_initialized(self): """ Gets the initialisation status of the devices. Returns: self.initialised (bool): The initialisation status. """ return self.initialized
[docs] def is_moving(self): """ Check for movement along the axes. Returns: True (bool): The axes are moving. False (bool): The axes are not moving. """ for axis in self.axes: if axis.is_moving(): return True return False
[docs] def wait_until_idle(self): """ Waits until the axes are idle. """ for axis in self.axes: axis.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def home(self, wait=True): """ Returns the axes to their home position. Args: wait (bool): Wait until the axes are idle, default set to True. """ for axis in self.axes: axis.home(wait=False) if wait: self.wait_until_idle() self.initialized = True
[docs] def move_to(self, position_array_in_unit, wait=True, force=False): """ Moves the axes to a set position. Args: position_array_in_unit (int): The position to move to. wait (bool): Wait until the axes are idle, default set to True. force (bool): Force the movement of the axes, default se tto False. """ for i, position_in_unit in enumerate(position_array_in_unit): self.axes[i].move_to(position_in_unit, wait=False, force=force) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def move(self, position_array_in_unit, wait=True, force=False): """ Moves the axes. Args: position_array_in_unit (int): The amount to move. wait (bool): Wait until the axes are idle, default set to True. force (bool): Force the movement of the axes, default set to False. """ for i, position_in_unit in enumerate(position_array_in_unit): self.axes[i].move(position_in_unit, wait=False, force=force) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def get_current_position(self): """ Gets the current position of the axes. Returns: position (List): List of the positions. """ position = [] for axis in self.axes: position.append(axis.get_current_position()) return position
[docs] def get_switch_state(self): """ Gets the switch state of the axes. Returns: switch_state (List): List of the switch states. """ switch_state = [] for axis in self.axes: switch_state.append(axis.get_switch_state()) return switch_state
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stops all movement in the axes. """ for axis in self.axes: axis.stop()