Source code for commanduino.commandhandler


.. module:: commandhandler
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Handles the communication to/from the Arduino Hardware.

.. moduleauthor:: Jonathan Grizou <>

import time
import serial
import threading

from ._logger import create_logger

#Default delimiter to separate commands

#Default terminal character of a command

##Default decimal

#Default baudrate for communication

#Default timeout time

[docs]class CommandHandler(object): """ Represents the Command Handler which will handle commands to/from the Arduino hardware. Args: delim (chr): Delimiter of the command, default set to DEFAULT_DELIM(',') term (chr): Terminal character of the command, set to DEFAULT_TERM(';') cmd_decimal (int): Decimal of the command, default set to DEFAULT_CMD_DECIMAL(2) """ def __init__(self, delim=DEFAULT_DELIM, term=DEFAULT_TERM, cmd_decimal=DEFAULT_CMD_DECIMAL): self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) self.delim = delim # character separating args in a message self.term = term # character ending a message self.buffer = '' # string that will hold the received data self.handlers = {} self.relays = {} self.default_handlers = [] self.cmd_header = '' self.cmd_decimal = cmd_decimal
[docs] def process_char(self, a_char): """ Processes a single character of a command. Args: a_char (chr): The character to be processed """ if a_char: self.logger.debug('Processing "{}"'.format(a_char), extra={'buffer': self.buffer}) if a_char == self.term: self.handle(self.buffer) self.buffer = '' else: self.buffer += a_char
[docs] def process_string(self, a_string): """ Processes a full string in the command. Args: a_string (str): The string to be processed. """ for a_char in a_string: self.process_char(a_char)
[docs] def process_serial(self, a_serial): """ Processes the serial communication to obtain data to be processed. Args: a_serial (int): The serial to read from. """ self.process_char(
[docs] def handle(self, cmd): """ Handles a full command to/from the Arduino hardware. Args: cmd (str): The command to be handled. """ cmd = cmd.strip().strip(self.term) cmd_list = cmd.split(self.delim) cmd_id = cmd_list[0] self.logger.debug('Handling "{}"'.format(cmd), extra={'cmd_list': cmd_list, 'cmd_id': cmd_id}) if cmd_id in self.handlers: for clb in self.handlers[cmd_id]: self.logger.debug('Found callback for "{}"'.format(cmd_id), extra={'callback_function': clb}) clb(*cmd_list[1:]) # all args in the command are given to the callback function as arguments elif cmd_id in self.relays: for clb in self.relays[cmd_id]: self.logger.debug('Found relay for "{}"'.format(cmd_id), extra={'relay_function': clb}) clb(self.build_remaining(cmd_list)) else: self.logger.debug('No callback assigned to "{}", defaulting'.format(cmd_id)) for clb in self.default_handlers: clb(cmd) # give back what was received
[docs] def build_remaining(self, cmd_list): """ Builds an Arduino command from a list of partial commands. Args: cmd_list (List): The list of command constituents. """ return self.delim.join(cmd_list[1:]) + self.term
[docs] def add_command(self, command_id, callback_function): """ Adds an Arduino command to the Handler. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if command_id not in self.handlers: self.handlers[command_id] = [] if callback_function not in self.handlers[command_id]: self.handlers[command_id].append(callback_function)
[docs] def remove_command(self, command_id, callback_function): """ Removes an Arduino command from the Handler. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if command_id in self.handlers: if callback_function in self.handlers[command_id]: self.handlers[command_id].remove(callback_function)
[docs] def add_relay(self, command_id, callback_function): """ Adds a relay to the Handler. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if command_id not in self.relays: self.relays[command_id] = [] if callback_function not in self.relays[command_id]: self.relays[command_id].append(callback_function)
[docs] def remove_relay(self, command_id, callback_function): """ Removes a relay form the Handler. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if command_id in self.relays: if callback_function in self.relays[command_id]: self.relays[command_id].remove(callback_function)
[docs] def add_default_handler(self, callback_function): """ Adds a default handler to the device. Args: callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if callback_function not in self.default_handlers: self.default_handlers.append(callback_function)
[docs] def remove_default_handler(self, callback_function): """ Removes a default handler from the device. Args: callback_function (str): A copy of the command to "callback". """ if callback_function in self.default_handlers: self.default_handlers.remove(callback_function)
[docs] def set_command_header(self, cmd_header, addDelim=True): """ Sets the header of the Arduino command. Args: cmd_header (chr): The header of the command. addDelim (bool): Adds a delimiter to the command, default set to True. """ self.cmd_header = cmd_header if addDelim: self.cmd_header += self.delim self.logger.debug('Set command header to "{}"'.format(self.cmd_header))
[docs] def set_command_decimal(self, cmd_decimal): """ Sets the decimal of the Arduino command. Args: cmd_decimal (int): The decimal of the command. """ self.cmd_decimal = cmd_decimal self.logger.debug('Set decimal to "{}"'.format(self.cmd_decimal))
[docs] def forge_command(self, command_id, *args): """ Creates a full Arduino command. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. *args: Variable length argument list. """ cmd = self.cmd_header cmd += command_id for arg in args: cmd += self.delim if type(arg) == float: cmd += str(round(arg, self.cmd_decimal)) else: cmd += str(arg) cmd += self.term self.logger.debug('Forged "{}"'.format(cmd), extra={'command_id': command_id, 'arguments': args}) return cmd
[docs]class SerialCommandHandler(threading.Thread, CommandHandler): """ Represents the Command Handler which will handle commands to/from the Arduino hardware via Serial Communication. Args: port (str): The port to communicate over. baudrate (int): The baudrate of the serial communication, default set to DEFAULT_BAUDRATE (115200) timeout (float): The time to wait for timeout, default set to DEFAULT_TIMEOUT (0.01) delim (chr): The delimiting character of a command, default set to DEFAULT_DELIM (',') term (chr): The terminal character of a command, default set to DEFAULT_TERM (';') cmd_decimal (int): The decimal of the command, default set to DEFAULT_CMD_DECIMAL (2) """ def __init__(self, port, baudrate=DEFAULT_BAUDRATE, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, delim=DEFAULT_DELIM, term=DEFAULT_TERM, cmd_decimal=DEFAULT_CMD_DECIMAL): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.interrupted = threading.Lock() self.logger = create_logger(self.__class__.__name__) CommandHandler.__init__(self, delim, term, cmd_decimal), baudrate, timeout) @classmethod
[docs] def from_config(cls, serialcommand_config): """ Obtains the details of the handler from a configuration. Args: cls (Class): THe instantiating class. serialcommand_config (Dict): Dictionary containing the configuration details. Returns: SerialCommandHandler: New SerialCommandHandler object with details set from a configuration setup. """ port = serialcommand_config['port'] optionals = ['baudrate', 'timeout', 'delim', 'term'] kwargs = {} for key in optionals: if key in serialcommand_config: kwargs[key] = serialcommand_config[key] return cls(port, **kwargs)
[docs] def open(self, port, baudrate, timeout): """ Opens the serial communication between the PC and Arduino board. Args: port (str): The port to communicate over. baudrate (int): The baudrate of serial communication. timeout (float): The time to wait for timeout. """ self.logger.debug('Opening port {}'.format(port), extra={'port': port, 'baudrate': baudrate, 'timeout': timeout}) self._serial = serial.Serial(port, baudrate, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes the serial communication between the PC and Arduino board. """ if hasattr(self, "_serial"): self._serial.close() self.logger.debug('Closing port "{}"'.format(self._serial.port))
def __del__(self): """ Closes the serial communication between the PC and Arduino board. """ self.close() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Closes the serial communication between the PC and Arduino Board, due to an exception occurence. Args: exc_type (str): The exception type. exc_value: The value of the exception. traceback (str): The position in the code where the exception occured. """ self.close()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Releases the lock when signalled via an interrupt. """ self.interrupted.release()
[docs] def run(self): """ Starts the Handler processing commands. """ self.interrupted.acquire() while self.interrupted.locked(): self.process_serial(self._serial) self.close()
[docs] def send(self, command_id, *arg): """ Sends a command over the serial communication. Args: command_id (str): The ID of the command. *arg: Variable argument. """ self.write(self.forge_command(command_id, *arg))
[docs] def write(self, msg): """ Writes a message over the serial communication. Args: msg (str): The message to send. """ self.logger.debug('Sending "{}" on port "{}"'.format(msg, self._serial.port)) self._serial.write(msg.encode())
[docs] def wait_until_running(self, sleep_time=0.01): """ Waits until the current thread is running. Args: sleep_time (float): The time to wait for, default set to 0.01 """ while not self.interrupted.locked(): time.sleep(sleep_time)