Source code for commanduino.commanddevices.commandlinearaccelstepper


.. module:: CommandLinearAccelStepper
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Represents a Linear AccelStepper Arduino device.

.. moduleauthor:: Jonathan Grizou <>


from .commanddevice import CommandDevice
from .commanddevice import DeviceTimeOutError

import time

import logging
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# bonjour info
CLASS_NAME = 'CommandLinearAccelStepper'

#Incoming Commands





#Outgoing Commands


#Default speed.

#Default maximum speed.

#Default acceleration.

#Default homing speed.

#Default sleep time.
DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME = 0.1  # let's not make it too low to not make the communication bus too busy

[docs]class CommandLinearAccelStepper(CommandDevice): """ Linear Aceclerator Stepper Arduino device. Args: speed (int): Speed of the device, default set to DEFAULT_SPEED (5000) max_speed (int): Maximum speed of the device, default set to DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED (5000) acceleration (int): Speed of acceleration, default set to DEFAULT_ACCELERATION (2000) homing_speed (int): Himing speed of the device, default set to DEFAULT_HOMING_SPEED (2000) enabled_acceleration (bool): Acceleration enabled, default set to True. reverted_direction (bool): Direction is reverted, default set to False. reverted_switch (bool): Switch is reverted, default set to False. Base: CommandDevice """ def __init__(self, speed=DEFAULT_SPEED, max_speed=DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED, acceleration=DEFAULT_ACCELERATION, homing_speed=DEFAULT_HOMING_SPEED, enabled_acceleration=True, reverted_direction=False, reverted_switch=False): CommandDevice.__init__(self) self.register_all_requests() self.init_speed = speed self.init_max_speed = speed self.init_acceleration = acceleration self.homing_speed = homing_speed self.enabled_acceleration = enabled_acceleration self.reverted_direction = reverted_direction self.reverted_switch = reverted_switch
[docs] def init(self): self.set_all_params()
[docs] def set_all_params(self): """ Sets all the parameters of the device automatically. """ self.set_running_speed(self.init_speed) self.set_max_speed(self.init_max_speed) self.set_acceleration(self.init_acceleration) if self.enabled_acceleration: self.enable_acceleration() else: self.disable_acceleration() if self.reverted_switch: self.enable_revert_switch() else: self.disable_revert_switch()
[docs] def apply_reverted_direction(self, value): """ Reverts the direction of movement. Args: value (int): The current value. Returns: value (int): The new value (-value) """ if self.reverted_direction: value = -value return value
@property def is_moving(self): """ Check for movement in device. Returns: self.get_moving_state(): The movement state. """ return self.get_moving_state()
[docs] def wait_until_idle(self): """ Waits until the device is idle (not moving). """ while self.is_moving: time.sleep(DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME)
[docs] def set_current_position(self, steps): """ Sets the current position of the device. Args: steps (int): The position to move to. """ self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SET_POSITION, steps)
[docs] def set_speed(self, steps_per_second): """ Sets the speed of the device. Args: steps_per_second (int): The number of steps per second to move. """ self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SET_SPEED, steps_per_second)
[docs] def set_running_speed(self, steps_per_second): """ Sets the running speed of the device. Args: steps_per_second (int): The number of steps per second. """ self.running_speed = steps_per_second
[docs] def set_homing_speed(self, steps_per_second): """ Sets the homing speed of the device. Args: steps_per_second (int): The number of steps per second. """ self.homing_speed = steps_per_second
[docs] def set_max_speed(self, steps_per_second): """ Sets the maximum speed of the device. Args: steps_per_second (int): The number of steps per second. """ self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SET_MAX_SPEED, steps_per_second)
[docs] def set_acceleration(self, steps_per_second_per_second): """ Sets the acceleration speed of the device. Args: steps_per_second_per_second (int): The number of steps per second per second. """ self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SET_ACC, steps_per_second_per_second)
[docs] def enable_acceleration(self): """ Enables acceleration on the device. """ self.wait_until_idle() self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_ENABLE_ACC) # small bug here, better to run stop(), the stepper has a small velocity, seems to be a bug in accel stepper self.stop() self.enabled_acceleration = True
[docs] def disable_acceleration(self): """ Disables acceleration on the device. """ self.wait_until_idle() self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_DISABLE_ACC) # small bug here, better to run stop(), the stepper has a small velocity, seems to be a bug in accel stepper self.stop() self.enabled_acceleration = False
[docs] def enable_revert_switch(self): """ Enables switch revertion on the device. """ self.reverted_switch = True self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_ENABLE_SWITCH)
[docs] def disable_revert_switch(self): """ Disables switch revertion on the device. """ self.reverted_switch = False self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_DISABLE_SWITCH)
[docs] def home(self, wait=True): """ Homes the device. Args: wait (bool): Wait for the device to be idle, default set to True. """ homing_speed = self.apply_reverted_direction(self.homing_speed) self.set_speed(-homing_speed) self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_HOME) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def move_to(self, steps, wait=True): """ Moves the device to a specific point. Args: steps (int): The position to move to. wait (bool): Wait until the device is idle, default set to True. """ # if not self.enabled_acceleration: running_speed = self.apply_reverted_direction(self.running_speed) self.set_speed(running_speed) steps = self.apply_reverted_direction(steps) self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_MOVE_TO, steps) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def move(self, steps, wait=True): """ Moves the device a certain number of steps. Args: steps (int): The number of steps to move. wait (bool): Waits for the device to be idle, default set to True. """ # if not self.enabled_acceleration: running_speed = self.apply_reverted_direction(self.running_speed) self.set_speed(running_speed) steps = self.apply_reverted_direction(steps) self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_MOVE, steps) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def stop(self, wait=True): """ Stops the movement of the device. Args: wait (bool): Wait until the device is idle, default set to True. """ self.send(COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_STOP) if wait: self.wait_until_idle()
[docs] def register_all_requests(self): """ Registers all requests to the device for later access. """ self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_SWITCH, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SWITCH, 'switch_state', self.handle_switch_state_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_MOVING, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_MOVING, 'moving_state', self.handle_moving_state_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_DIST, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_DIST, 'distance_to_go', self.handle_distance_to_go_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_TARGET, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_TARGET, 'target_position', self.handle_target_position_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_POSITION, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_POSITION, 'current_position', self.handle_current_position_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_SPEED, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_SPEED, 'speed', self.handle_speed_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_MAXSPEED, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_MAXSPEED, 'max_speed', self.handle_max_speed_command) self.register_request( COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_REQUEST_ACCELERATION, COMMANDLINEARACCELSTEPPER_ACCELERATION, 'acceleration', self.handle_acceleration_command)
[docs] def handle_switch_state_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for switch state. Args: arg*: Variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.switch_state = bool(int(arg[0])) self.switch_state_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_moving_state_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for moving state. Args: *arg: Variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.moving_state = bool(int(arg[0])) self.moving_state_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_distance_to_go_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for distance to go. Args: *arg: variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.distance_to_go = self.apply_reverted_direction(int(arg[0])) self.distance_to_go_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_target_position_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for target position. Args: *arg: Variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.target_position = self.apply_reverted_direction(int(arg[0])) self.target_position_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_current_position_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for current position. Args: *arg: Variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.current_position = self.apply_reverted_direction(int(arg[0])) self.current_position_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_speed_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for speed. Args: *arg: Variable command. """ if arg[0]: self.speed = self.apply_reverted_direction(float(arg[0])) self.speed_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_max_speed_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for maximum speed. Args: *arg: Variable argument. """ if arg[0]: self.max_speed = float(arg[0]) self.max_speed_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def handle_acceleration_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the command for acceleration. Args: *arg: Variable arguement. """ if arg[0]: self.acceleration = float(arg[0]) self.acceleration_lock.ensure_released()
[docs] def print_info(self): """ Prints the current information for the device. """ print('###') print('switch_state: ', self.get_switch_state()) print('moving_state: ', self.get_moving_state()) print('distance_to_go: ', self.get_distance_to_go()) print('target_position: ', self.get_target_position()) print('current_position: ', self.get_current_position()) print('speed: ', self.get_speed()) print('max_speed: ', self.get_max_speed()) print('acceleration: ', self.get_acceleration()) print('###')