Source code for commanduino.commanddevices.commandanalogread


.. module:: CommandAnalogRead
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Represents an AnalogRead Arduino device.

.. moduleauthor:: Jonathan Grizou <>


from .commanddevice import CommandDevice

import logging
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#Bonjour information
CLASS_NAME = 'CommandAnalogRead'

#Incoming (Low)

#Outgoing (Read)

[docs]class CommandAnalogRead(CommandDevice): """ AnalogRead Arduino device. Base: CommandDevice """ def __init__(self): CommandDevice.__init__(self) self.register_all_requests() ##
[docs] def register_all_requests(self): """ Registers all requests to the device. """ self.register_request( CMD_REQUEST_LEVEL, CMD_ANSWER_LEVEL, 'level', self.handle_level_command)
[docs] def handle_level_command(self, *arg): """ Handles the level command. Args: *arg: Variable Argument. """ if arg[0]: self.level = int(arg[0]) self.level_lock.ensure_released()